How do we know The Rehab has the best trainers and coaches around? It’s simple–Dr. Bolz sought out specific collaborations with trainers and coaches with specific skillsets. His top priority was working with people that he trusts and has been a client of himself.

Spring Chiropractic and The Rehab welcomes Mindy Rosenbaum to the team.

Mindy is joining The Rehab in Spring, Texas as our new Pilates instructor.

Mindy has had a passion for working out and staying fit since high school. She has attended workout classes and worked out with personal trainers since her 20’s, often considering becoming a PT, but never having the perfect opportunity. Mindy grew up in St. Louis Missouri where she played soccer and softball at an early age.  She and her husband moved to Texas  in 1998 and then relocated overseas for several years. She and her family settled in Spring when they returned over seven years ago. At that time she met Jen Mills and became her client.

Mindy has been a part of our team since she began working out with Coach Jen in 2014 and has been training with her ever since.
Learning so much over the years by training with one of our top trainers, Mindy’s passion for fitness has grown and now she wants to help others reach their health and fitness goals too. Pilates is her method to do this. Mindy realized the importance of not only cardio and weight training to help age gracefully, but also the importance core strength as you get older. Pilates is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes aging gracefully.

Contact Mindy to schedule your first session for free! 832-833-3893

Mindy is earning her certification as a Basi Pilates Instructor and she’s excited to bring small group mat classes, individual mat and reformer sessions to The Rehab. She knows it will change the way you connect your mind with your body and the way your body will feel and move.

Contact Mindy to schedule your first session for free>  ? 832-833-3893